At 0800 hrs on Friday, 12 May a boatie contacted our Group on 16/21 VHF requesting emergency assistance. The boatie had one person unconscious and was travelling through the South Passage. We were able to hear the boatie but we were unable to contact them. An ambulance was arranged and Sgt Kevin Bearcroft from Jurien Police met the boaties at the Jurien Marina Depot with the defibrillator. The patient was made comfortable while waiting for the ambulance. Assistance was also provided by Ray and Adam from DPIRD – Fisheries.
A huge thank you to everyone involved – our St John Ambulance ladies, radio operator Kym Vukusich, Sgt Bearcroft, and Ray and Adam. It would also be very helpful if boaties logged on with us, so that we have the skipper’s contact information which can be relayed to our emergency services should an incident occur.
The boatie involved in the incident suffered bruising and fractures and was flown to Perth, but has assured us that he will be back on the water in a couple of weeks!
On Sunday, 14 May at 1339 hours “Bay Watch” was deployed with Mike, Craig and Andrew onboard to search for one person on a kayak in the Bay. The report was received from a concerned carer. Eve Trutwein, our Radio Operator, announced on the radio for assistance with the location of the kayaker. A big shout out to our guys from DPIRD – Fisheries, who once again provided assistance by locating and recovering the kayaker in the South Passage. Well done to everyone involved.