The school holidays, warmer weather and calm boating conditions are upon us resulting in a lot of boating activity along our Turquoise Coastline. If you haven’t already done so, now is the BEST TIME to undertake the following BEST check guide below to guarantee the BEST day on the water:
Check your Boat:
Fuel and oil (plus 50% in reserve)
Keys and Bungs
Suitable for the area of operation.
Check your Equipment:
Test run your motor
Use your trailing bracket
Load your equipment for the voyage.
Check your Safety equipment:
Safety equipment for the area of operation
Check boating weather forecast
Log on with Marine Rescue Jurien Bay.
Check your Trailer:
Check your lights work
Wheel pressure and bearings
Tow hitch and safety chains
Tie downs.
(Information courtesy of Department of Transport)
In addition to the above, please remember to:
Check the marine weather report and ensure you and your boat are suited to the prevailing conditions. Are warnings current for your boating area? Are there weather conditions affecting safe navigation and comfort? What are the wind trends? What are the wave conditions? When is the next high and low tide?
Wear your life jacket!
Be aware that wind gusts can be 40% stronger and maximum waves may be twice the height of what is forecast;
Ensure you have the required safety equipment (life jackets, flares, EPIRB) for the area you intend to go;
Ensure you have sufficient fuel. Aim to carry 50 percent more fuel than you expect to use;
Log on and off with us!! Play it safe and use our services, or at least tell a relative or friend of your boating plans.
There have been a few rescues over the past couple of weeks. On Friday, 24 September Rescue 1 was deployed at 1600 hrs with Wayne, Chrissy and Eddie on board. An EPIRB had been activated between Wedge Island and Green Island. Driving into a southerly was really rough going. Lancelin VMR assisted as well as Rescue 651 (Helicopter). About an hour into the deployment Rescue 1 was stood down as the vessel and people had been recovered safely. Well done to everyone involved – the team from Lancelin VMR, Wayne, Chrissy and Eddie (Rescue 1) and radio operators Allan and Dolly.

A few days earlier Rescue 1 was deployed at 1600 hours for a tow in of a vessel located 27 km north west of Jurien. Our appreciation to Wayne, Chrissy and Graham - they got to enjoy the wonderful sunset on the way back!!
A big thank you to our awesome Leeman VMR crew who recently were deployed to a broken-down vessel 11 km north west of Jurien. Great job everyone!