The Blessing of the Fleet was held on Saturday, 13 November 2021 with Marine Rescue Jurien Bay’s vessel “Crikey” (Rescue 1) leading the flotilla with Skipper Wayne and crew Chrissy, Eddie and Graham onboard. Parks and Wildlife covered the rear. There were around 10 vessels departing from the Jurien Marina, travelling past the Town jetty and returning to the Marina where all vessels were blessed by Reverend Father Renald from Moora as they passed the service jetty. A huge thank you to all those who participated in the event. Special thanks to Father Renald and to Peter Scharf for overseeing the proceedings.

Could we please have the Blessing of the Fleet “Best Dressed Boat Trophy” returned so it can be presented next year. Please drop off at Marine Rescue Jurien Bay. Ring first – 9652 1950 – to ensure there is someone in attendance. Every year this Event is held on the second Saturday of November so mark the date in your diaries for 2022!

On Wednesday, 10 November 2021 Ray Lewis and Ray Willoughby from Leeman VMR collected our volunteers Wayne and Graham Latter to depart from Cervantes at 0700 hours. They were deployed to Lancelin to assist in the search for a missing person. Their search started from Wedge Island to Lancelin. Sadly, no sightings were made and they returned home safely by road at 2115 hours. Well done to everyone involved.

Unfortunately, our new Rescue 2 vessel is a long way behind schedule so she missed out on being on parade for our “Blessing of the Fleet” on Saturday. The good news is that the engines and collar are due to be fitted next week, the wheelhouse and paintwork are complete, electronics have been fitted, and the vessel has been pre-wired for the fitting of motors. Delivery is now not expected until December.