With a heavy heart we would like to inform you all that our Member, Lindsay Doney, passed away peacefully on Saturday, 7 November 2020 at the Moora Hospital.
We celebrated Lindsay’s 85th Birthday on the previous Sunday, 1st November and it was an eventful and enjoyable day for all who popped into the “open house” provided by Audrey and Lindsay’s family. Thank you to Audrey, Colin, Ian and Families for your generosity in sharing Lindsay with us over the past weeks and allowing us into your home.
Lindsay was a Life Member of our Group and had been with us for 35 years. He was awarded the Australia National Medal at our last General Meeting held on Sunday, 20 September 2020. Lindsay was a force in establishing and supporting our Group over his 35 years’ service and also offering his expertise, experience, quantity and quality time as Bosun/Skipper as well as sharing his wide range of maintenance knowledge on all vessels, vehicles, buildings and even lawnmowers during his time with us. He was a quiet achiever. His knowledge was abundant and he was a formidable fisherman and bushman.
All our condolences to Audrey, Colin, Ian, Families and Friends.
Kia hora to marino Kia whakapapa koura te moana Kia tere te karohirohi i mua i tou huarahi
May the calm be widespread May the sea glisten like that of gold May the shimmering light guide you on your journey
Aroha tino nui
Rest in Peace Lindsay. From all our Members.