A HUGE SHOUT OUT to the following locals and businesses for donations to our Easter Raffle, to be drawn on Easter Sunday, 17 April 2022:
Erica Trutwein, Eve Trutwein, Choice Beds and Living, Jurien Bay Pharmacy, Coastline Technical Services, BWS Jurien Bay, Sky Dive Jurien Bay, Bunnings Geraldton, Blue Seas Resort Cable Beach, Jurien Bay Swan Aussie Sheds, Raelene and Lawrence Newnham, Coastal Trimming, Thrifty Link Hardware, Marine Supplies, Many Paws, Haven Boutique and Gifts, Jurien 251 Darryl Nottle, Jurien 203 Ken McCloud, Geraldton Fishermen's Co-Op, Cervantes Lobster Shack. If you would like to donate to our raffle, please contact:
Chrissy Heu, Commander, Mobile 0427 989 239
Connie Holder, Committee Member, Mobile 0456 661 790.
