Our Group has been involved in several incidents during March and early April as well as participating in Community events over the Easter period. Here is a summary of our various activities:
March incidents:
3rd 1436-2030 - Tow in at Cervantes. “Ocean Watch” deployed with Mike, Eddie and Ashley onboard. While the vessel was under tow one of the boaties on board had a medical episode and had to be transferred to “Ocean Watch” and ferried as soon as possible to the Cervantes Jetty where St John’s Ambulance was waiting. Our crew then proceeded back to the stricken vessel and towed it successfully back to Jurien Bay. Suzanne was our radio operator. Well done to all involved.
10th - Stand by for tow in but not required as motor restarted.
Overdue boatie – Located. Radio operator Valerie.
1600hrs - Our members had a Sundowner to celebrate Eve Trutwein’s "Life Member" acknowledgement for our Group. Eve has been a Radio Operator with us for over 15 years and always an inspiration to us all. Congratulations again Eve!!
16th - Flare sighting in the vicinity of the beach along Bluewater Drive but no other sightings were reported. We were advised the next day that maybe crackers had been lit off.
22nd - Jim Clarke OAM, a former member of our Group passed away. Jim will be sadly missed by everyone near and far. Our condolences to Family and Friends.
23rd - 1212-1345 “Ocean Watch” deployed with Mike, Andrew and Brook onboard to a vessel which had run out of fuel. Training was conducted.
24th – “Ocean Watch” refuelled with Mike, Andrew and Brook.
25th - Overdue boat - located at home.
27th - Overdue boat - located at home.
28th - Overdue boat - eventually located.
29th - Boatie stuck on reef but was helped by a passing boatie.
30th – A boat capsized behind Whitlock Island while pulling pots. Two people were rescued by a passing boatie. A big thank you to Leon Murdoch from the boaties, our Group and our Jurien Community. “Ocean Watch” was deployed with Mike, Chrissy and Kym to retrieve items from the water. Later that day we had another boatie tow-in a boatie who required assistance.

The Jurien Bay Community Men's Shed Easter Fair was held on the 30th and we had the best site at the event. A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE MEN’S SHED!! Our Group had four money boards and the winners were:
$50.00 No 5 Alex, No 5 Raelene.
$250.00 No 16 Dean, No 25 Wally. Congratulations everyone!
Thank you to our team at the event – Raelene Newnham, Sharon Stiles, Sharon Foale and Valerie Boucher.
The Marina carpark holds approximately 150 vehicles and trailers. During Easter and the school holidays we recorded about 80% log-ons and that is not counting Cervantes and Greenhead. A huge thank you to all the boaties – local and visitors – who used our services to log on and off – it makes our job so much easier and a faster response time if we need to locate you should an incident occur. Safe boating and we hope everyone enjoyed their stay.

It was a foggy start to April! Whenever there is fog about, please remember to proceed with caution and put your navigation lights on!
Safe boating everyone!!