THANK YOU – THANK YOU – THANK YOU to our WONDERFUL Jurien Bay Community and Visitors for your support with our MEGA EASTER RAFFLE!!!! Thanks to the many local businesses (as well as Blue Seas Resort Broome) and residents who donated so many terrific prizes. We were able to have 12 prize draws and each prize contained multiple items! Your generosity enabled us to raise $2095 towards the installation of services for our new Jetty (hopefully being installed on 21st April) adjacent to our Marine Rescue Tower. Thank you to all who purchased tickets in our raffle – your support is greatly appreciated by all of us at Marine Rescue Jurien Bay!
Thanks so much to our incredible Commander, Chrissy Heu and Committee Member, Connie Holder for contacting businesses and undertaking the massive job of organising the raffle. You both did a brilliant job!! Thanks also to our fantastic members who have given up their time over Easter to sell tickets and set up equipment - Connie and Derek, Chrissy, Wayne and Tams, Valerie, Jan, Sharon, Julie and Carla. You are all amazing!
A big thank you to Jurien IGA for very kindly allowing us to sell tickets in their store on Saturday, and to Sue and the Jurien Bay Progress Association for giving us a prime location to sell tickets at the Sunday Markets - AWESOME!!! It was great to see a good mix of locals and visitors among the winners.
And the winners are:-

1st Prize - Orange B028 - Eve

2nd Prize - Blue D063 – Peta

3rd Prize – Red B046 – Debbie

4th Prize – Red B098 - Myrtle

5th Prize – Red B004 – Heather

6th Prize – Red B068 - Vicki

7th Prize – Green B091 – Dean

8th Prize – Orange C015 - Lloyd

9th Prize – Green B046 – Jason

10th Prize – Orange C035 - Sienna

11th Prize – Blue D054 – Beverley

12th Prize – Blue D014 – Jill
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our WINNERS!! Thank you so much for your support! All winners have been contacted and prizes can be collected from our tower by prior appointment. A huge shout out again to the following locals and businesses for their donations to our Easter Raffle:
Coastal Trimming
Thrifty Link Hardware
Marine Supplies
Many Paws
Haven Boutique and Gifts
J251 Darryl Nottle
J203 Ken McCloud
BWS Jurien Bay
Jurien Bay Swan Aussie Sheds
Coastline Technical Services
Sky Dive Jurien Bay
Raelene and Lawrence Newnham
Erica and Eve Trutwein
Choice Beds and Living
Jurien Bay Pharmacy
Geraldton Bunnings
Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-Op
Cervantes Lobster Shack
Blue Seas Resort Broome.