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Membership Renewals and Diving Information


Carla, our Treasurer, has been busy over the past couple of weeks sending out boat membership invoices for the 2023 / 2024 financial year by email as this saves time and money. If you have not registered your email with us, or you do not have an email address, the invoice will be sent by mail to the postal address on our records.    If you have changed your details since last year, please contact us with your new details.  If you have sold your boat and bought a new one, please advise us.   Or maybe you have sold your boat and no longer wish to continue as a member. When a boat is overdue, we need to search the marina car park (or another launching site) to see if the vehicle or trailer are there and we do not want to be wasting valuable time searching for a vehicle or trailer with the incorrect details.  It is important that we have your correct details on file, so please help us to update our records.  Our phone number is 9652 1950 or pop down to the Marine Rescue Tower and advise one of our volunteers.


When making a membership payment at the Bendigo Bank or another Financial Institute, please ensure that your Jurien Call Sign and name are included on the payment slip.  Should you have any queries please contact Carla by email:


Attention all Divers:

Unattended Boats:  The Department of Transport (DoT) states: “The practice of divers leaving vessels unattended can be very dangerous.  DoT strongly recommends that a responsible person stays on board at all times to raise the alarm if the diver is overdue or to attend to the vessel should it start to drift. In the case of an unattended boat, ensure your anchor is set to hold for the duration of the dive.”


Diving Flag:  “A boat with divers working from it must carry the appropriate day or night signals. The daytime signal for divers is an International Code Flag “A”. The flag must be at least 750 millimetres long and 600 millimetres wide.”


Divers are most welcome to use our services to log on their plans for the day either by radio or mobile phone.


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