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Chrissy Heu, Commander, Finalist, Shire of Dandaragan 2023 Community Citizen of the Year Awards


The Shire of Dandaragan 2023 Community Citizen of the Year Awards, held at Fauntleroy Park on Sunday, 4 February 2024 was well attended by locals and visitors who were treated to live entertainment, a delicious BBQ meal and drinks and rather challenging windy conditions.   The event was an opportunity to acknowledge and recognise all our awesome citizens and hear about the wonderful work they do within our Communities of Cervantes, Badgingarra, Dandaragan and Jurien Bay. Congratulations to our nominee, Chrissy Heu, our Commander, who was a finalist and to all the nominees and recipients.   Well done also to the Shire of Dandaragan for organising the event.


Disposal of Flares and EPIRBS:

Please note that due to safety regulations our Group is no longer accepting expired or unwanted flares and EPIRBS.


GRAB A BARGAIN!!   Thinking about becoming a boating member but haven’t quite got around to it?   Well, now is the time to grab a bargain!!!   For the month of February our joining fee is $25.00 which will cover you until 30 June.   Renewal fees are $50.00 per financial year (1 July to 30 June).  There are a couple of ways to join as a boating member.   If you have a computer you can join on line.   Go to our website:    Select “Boaties” from the menu, then under quick links (right hand side) select “boat membership form” and complete your details on the “boat membership application form”.  You can also upload a photo of your boat.   Then hit the “submit” key at the bottom.


There are two options to pay your subscription.  

1.     Pay Online – using your credit card, bank account or Paypal account.   Your Jurien call sign will be issued as soon as payment is cleared.

2.    Manual payment.   You can pay your membership by transferring funds from your account using internet banking or by posting a cheque.   Your membership will be processed once payment is received.   It may take up to seven days to issue your call sign.


Not computer savvy?   That’s OK, pop on down to see us and one of our friendly volunteers will provide you with a form and a biro!   We can’t accept credit cards, so you will need to bring your cheque book or cash (exact amount) with you.


To Prevent the Theft of your Vessel or Property:

There are some basic steps that we can all take to protect our property from theft as follows:

  • record all details of your boat and equipment – including serial numbers – and keep this list in a safe place.

  • Engrave any valuable items – you can use your driver’s licence number.

  • Mark your dinghy with an identifying feature, such as your driver’s licence number.

  • Fit an anti-theft device to your trailer.

  • Fit a quality lock to your boat.

  • Remove valuable items from your boat when you leave it unattended.  If you have to leave valuables on board, ensure they are out-of-sight.

  • If you are leaving your vehicle parked on shore while you go boating, please make certain that you leave NO valuables behind and that you secure your vehicle properly.

  • Consider fitting a quality alarm to your boat.

  • Don’t leave alcohol on the vessel or in sight.

  • Don’t leave keys on your boat. Take them with you.


What to do if your vessel is broken into, stolen or damaged:

Contact the Police Assistance Centre (PAC) on Telephone 131 444 or Jurien Bay Police on 9652 0600 to make a report.  When a crime is happening or in a life threatening situation dial 000.


Do not touch anything unless it’s absolutely essential.  If the surfaces on your vessel are suitable and a forensics officer is available, they will attend to “dust” for finger prints.   You can assist by:

  • Preserving areas for forensic examination for DNA and fingerprints from weather or contamination, where possible.

  • Noting any changes or disturbance of equipment on board for forensic examination.

  • Inquiring with neighbours / club members / other vessel users regarding similar offences or suspicious activities and informing the attending Police of the details.

Source: WA Water Police – “Marine Watch, a Guide to a more secure and a safe boating experience”.  The full brochure is available from the Marine Rescue Tower.

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