Marine Rescue Jurien Bay would like to say an immense “THANK-YOU!” and send our profound and heartfelt gratitude to Ray Worrall (Department of Fisheries), Bob, Noddy, Firies and Shire Crew, Lance Eyden, friends, strangers and everyone involved, for all of their help and support on Saturday, 25th May 2024, when the shoe was on the other foot - and the rescuers unfortunately needed rescuing!
We really can’t stress enough how wonderful the community is where we live – we love and appreciate you all! Sincere thanks must also go to Jeff Howe (VMRWA Commander) and Mark Eatts (DFES Manager Marine Services) who travelled from Perth that morning to check on our welfare and everyone’s concerns.
Rescues for the next couple of weeks will be on hold for our Group - but we will still be monitoring the radio from our tower and homebases - and hopefully we can rely on other boaties, local back-up vessels and Groups to assist should the need arise.
From the bottom of our hearts, Chrissy, Andrew, Kym and everyone at Marine Rescue Jurien Bay - WE THANK YOU ALL!!!
Marine Rescue Jurien Bay would be very grateful if any items found on the beaches from this incident could be returned to our Tower at the end of Breakwater Drive – or please phone 9652 1950 to advise of any items found. Our normal tower opening hours are 7am – 4pm. Thank you all so much!!
Some of our volunteers attended the National Volunteer Week Morning Tea, held at the Jurien Bay Beach Café on Wednesday, 22 May 2024 from 0930 to 1130. It was a great opportunity to relax and have a chat with fellow volunteers from the various groups within the Shire of Dandaragan, accompanied by a very delicious morning tea. Many thanks to Kayla and all involved from the Shire of Dandaragan, the Jurien Bay Beach Café and all the amazing volunteers who attended and made it such an enjoyable event. Gift packs were also available. Thank you again to all involved!

Attention all Boaties:
Please check your VHF Radio to ensure that you are operating on 25 Watts and not 1 Watt so that we can hear you properly. You will need to press the HI/LO button on your handset to adjust. 25 Watts provides a much better reception for broadcasting.
A message from our Radio Operators: Could all Boaties please log on and log off slowly and clearly as we need to write the information in our log book. The details we require are your call sign, number of people on board (adults and children – and, yes, the dog), the amount of fuel, your destination and the estimated time of return (ETR). When logging off, please state your call sign and that you are safely back and wish to log off. The radio operator will acknowledge your log on and off by repeating the information back to you. If you do not receive this acknowledgement then please repeat your message again.

Have you changed any of your details? Maybe sold your boat, or bought a new one, changed cars or trailers, or do not wish to continue as a member, please let us know. When a boat is overdue, we need to search the marina car park (or another launching site) to see if the vehicle or trailer are there and we do not want to be wasting valuable time searching for a vehicle or trailer with the incorrect details. It is important that we have your correct details on file, so please help us to update our records.
The end of the financial year is also approaching and Carla, our Treasurer, will soon be preparing and sending out invoices to all our boat members. It helps us if your details are correct so that the invoices are delivered without “bouncing back”. Our phone number is 9652 1950 or pop down to the Marine Tower and advise one of our volunteers of any changes. You can also email Carla at: treasurer@jurienmarinerescue.com.au